Turning 26

Welcome to my new blog and my very first blog post! I just turned 26 and I am so grateful to have lived to this age. It’s not some grand age like 90 but I am grateful nonetheless!

Enjoying some coffee on my cozy couch

This birthday was the best yet. It was quiet, relaxing, and I got to spend it with my love, Joel. He surprised me by taking the day off work! It was raining the whole day, which was such good fortune since many days beforehand and many days after it was nothing but sunshine and heat. The rain just added to the cozy hygge feeling. We sat on the couch together in the morning drinking coffee and listening to the soft sound of the rain.

The previous day I baked my favorite chocolate cake from scratch so that it was ready to go, and we had BBQ from a local place called Cattleack the following Thursday, so it felt like my birthday was all week 😁

Delicious homemade chocolate cake!

I am so, so thankful to be able to have quiet birthdays like this one and my 25th birthday. All of my birthdays since my 18th have not been fun or memorable. I think the change was being in my own apartment and being able to do whatever the hell I wanted with my favorite human.

My older brother Ryan gifted me this beautiful kettle

As time goes on I feel life becoming more precious. I feel the carelessness of my teenage days drifting away and I’m beginning to embrace the truth that I will not live forever and that’s what makes every day beautiful. I want to live with intention and not waste time feeling guilty, or feeling regret, or letting bad habits slow my growth. The Wheel of the Year reminds me that there must be both a beginning and an end, which is scary to think of sometimes but I trust that as time goes on and I break away from the fast-paced life, I will live more fully and when I (hopefully!) approach my older years I’ll be satisfied with the life I lived.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and I hope you have a lovely week! ♥ 

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