Julia O'Donovan

Some Thoughts This Week

This week I have not wanted to do so much. There must be something going on astrologically because I have been so grumpy, but nothing is actually wrong. Stepping outside myself to get a different perspective, I see nothing going on externally that could cause me to feel this way. It has even been difficult […]

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Cozy Winter Day

Hi everyone! It’s almost midnight as I write this. I don’t know how but my sleep schedule has gotten so wonky. During the day I just feel so sleepy and only now do I want to do things! I sleep plenty and don’t drink coffee past noon. My hair wouldn’t fit in my hood 😹

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Hi everyone! I’m so happy that we’ve arrived at my favorite time of the year. Winter is a time when I feel myself open up, my soul has room to expand, and I am invigorated by the cold. Maybe I dislike summer because I’ve spent most of my life living in a hot climate. The

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