Happy Imbolc!

Hi everyone! Today is Imbolc, which is an ancient Gaelic pagan festival which lands halfway between winter solstice and spring equinox. 

I took some time today to refresh the decor in the house. I took down a few of the winter decorations and put out some springtime bits. I know in the north, winter isn’t technically “over” until the end of March, but here in Texas it is a little easier to start making the spring transition a bit earlier. 

I’m in the apartment constantly, unwillingly, so being able to change up my surroundings helps make being inside all the time a little more bearable. I’m sure I’ll still love decorating even when I’m able to get outside everyday, though! 

I hope that you have a lovely Imbolc, and if you don’t celebrate then I hope you have a lovely transition into spring 💚

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