Stopping to smell the flowers (or tea, or coffee…)

Happy spring equinox! 🌸🌷🌼

Here in Texas, winter is over and spring has taken it’s first deep breath of the year. As I was writing this I began to say the ash tree outside is in full bloom, only to realize I didn’t know what kind of tree it was. I’ve been living here for three and a half years and I never thought to find out what kind of trees were right outside my window, the trees I’ve watched slowly awaken from tiny buds turn from Kelly green to hues of amber and crimson, and finally to bare beautiful branches. 

One of the trees that brings me so much joy every year is the crape myrtle, and there are three outside my apartment in full view as well as all around the community.

The beautiful crape myrtle last August at sunrise

I’ve seen them vary from deep pink like the ones around my apartment, to light blush, and a lilac shade. 

Another favorite tree of mine here in Texas is the cypress tree. They just seem so majestic, powerful, and quiet.

The reason I started this blog post wasn’t to go on about trees, but more about reminding myself to remember to bring stillness into my day. To try and look at the things I’ve seen a thousand times as though it’s the first time I’m seeing it. To remain curious about my surroundings and pay attention to the details, and delight in them. I need this reminder more than ever since my favorite season is officially over and we’re headed towards my least favorite – summer. But this year I am really going to try to find moments of joy in all of the seasons whether is 10F or 100F (-10C or 40C)

Whether the seasons arrive quietly, or run up to us, or show up early, or decide to stop by for a quick cup of tea, they’re going to come and go without a thought about us. It’s going to be feckin’ scorching regardless of whether I’m shaking my fist at the sky in malcontent or enjoying it and letting it be what it is. So I am going to try and be more optimistic about the coming months. 

How can you start enjoying your least favorite season? In fact, it doesn’t even have to be about the weather, it can be about anything. 

Best wishes, Julia 


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