Midsummer Magic & Darker Days Ahead

Happy Midsummer to you all! This year is the first I properly celebrated it, and I’m even more excited because I got to spend it with Joel. We got up at 5AM to go see the sunrise at the nearby nature preserve and it was simply magical. Dawn is one of my absolute favorite times of day – everything feels so new. There’s a certain kind of magic that only exists first thing in the morning in the quiet of nature. Then, it dissipates like dew droplets on grass once the sun comes up and people awake.

As strange as it may sound, I actually find a little more joy in Midsummer than Yule, simply because of the knowledge that the days going forward will gradually get darker and the weather will get cooler. It gives me a subtly invigorated feeling, as though the energies that went dormant inside me during spring and summer are preparing to burst forward to take up all of the space around me once the spirits in nature go to sleep.

The summer sun is so direct, nature is energetic, and the days are bright. Winter is somber, monochrome, and quietly powerful. And I love everything about that. I always wonder how many others feel the same way.

But even with all of that said, I still see the necessity in each season. I wouldn’t love and appreciate winter so much if I didn’t have to embrace summer. There must be contrast and balance in life. 

I hope you have a beautiful week. Talk soon 🖤

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