Surviving the Texas Heat & a Blog Refresh

It’s 94F/34C as I write this, and I really wish I was celebrating Midsummer in Scandinavia this year! 😅

Summertime is not easy for me since winter is my favorite season, but it’s far less stressful than last summer. I used to think I had Seasonal Affective Disorder, but unlike most people who deal with that during the wintertime, I always dealt with it at this time of year. But I think since I’m in a much better headspace now, I no longer have S.A.D. (lovely acronym haha).

In the last couple of weeks I gave my blog a much needed refresh. It took so long to make all of the adjustments, and it seemed like as soon as I changed something, another thing needed fixing haha. If you built your own website you know exactly what I’m talking about! I not only needed to change the appearance but I REALLY needed to put together the legal pages, implement analytics, and shite like that. I am so happy to say that my blog is finally at a place where I feel confident it represents me really well. I’m really proud of how it looks.

To be honest, that is the most that has been happening lately! I have been a 100% homebody – but I’m enjoying it. I think in the midst of my socializing from March to April, I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to my inner world. Having to constantly be with your own thoughts staring you in the face is hard sometimes, but it’s necessary for growth. 

This is where I've been spending a good deal of time - working on the blog and enjoying cold strawberries with homemade whipped cream (sweetened with stevia!)

Oh! I thought I’d give a little update on the tiny home plans. The company I reached out to are working on a form for people who are interested in having a shell built, so once they’re done with that we can send it over and see how much it would cost! It’s just a small step forward, but it means we’re that much closer to living in our very own tiny house!

I hope you’re having a wonderful summer, talk soon ♥

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